10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still in Syllabus

“Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories” let us figure out first what that title suggests. Basically the article is containing a list of famous scientific theories which are not fully compatible with today’s world. This is the beauty of science that it always has space for something that is new, that is impressive, and that is knocking one’s mind. We are listing here some medical theories proven wrong. A few historical theories proven wrong. Some basic scientific concepts that changed over time. Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories also having some theories that turned down a lot of scientific theories and because of which there are number of scientific theories that have not been accepted at first.

10. Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

One of the most famous theories in mid-19th century is the Darwin’s theory of evolution and also sometimes written as Darwin’s theory of natural selection. First we need to understand what theory of evolution psychology says. There were questions for a long time about evolutionary theory. Is evolution real? What are evolution facts? What is evolution vs creationism? We tried to figure out the solutions for all these questions in Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories.

According to Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species” an organism adopts the changes and formulates itself according to the needs of environment and surroundings. That let it to survive for longer periods and to reproduce abruptly. “Survival of the fittest” is a kind of slogan that is often used with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Charles Darwin states how a land mammal can turn into an aquatic whale. For explanation Darwin exampled the North American black bears that were catching the insects by swimming, were turned into a whale over time.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

The idea of Darwin was turned down immediately by the public. Even Darwin had to re-write the last section of his book “On the origin of Species” in which he finally removed the examples of swimming bears. There were scientists who believed that idea of Darwin is not as bad but he has not chosen a best example to explain. They believed if he may consider the example of cow or any other mammal of that kind, it could be better. Darwin also considered humans which could be the most sophisticated form of apes. That’s why sometimes it is also stated as the Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution man.

Modern scientist pointed out the areas where Darwin went wrong in his theory of evolution. According to Pobiner, Darwin did not have any idea about the knowledge of genetics? Pobiner explained how physical and behavioral changes occur in genes. He explained the whole process of mutation. Also stated the role of DNA at the genetic level. These all were the pin-points that Darwin completely misses in his theory of evolution.

9. Phlogiston Theory

Johan Joachim Becher proposed the idea of Phlogiston theory in 1667. Here we are listing some possible reasons stating how Phlogiston theory disproved. Why phlogiston theory proved wrong? Why was the phlogiston theory rejected? According to this theory all the matter that is combustible contains a special material called Phlogiston which releases at the time of combustion. Phlogiston makes the whole burning process possible. Theory also explains the properties of phlogiston as a colorless, odorless and tasteless substance. Phlogiston becomes visible only during the process of combustion.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

 The Way it’s Proven Wrong

Wrongly Proven Science Stories contains Phlogiston theory as the theory was unable to prove its basis experimentally. There were a series of experiments that resulted differently in different situation. When a material like wood etc. is combusted, it loses weight during the process of burning. But when experiments were performed on certain metals that can catch fire, they gained the weight instead of losing it. These experiments totally proved against the Phlogiston theory as if a material like Phlogiston is released during combustion, the matter should lose the weight instead of gaining it. Latterly oxidation process also held totally against the Phlogiston theory as it had no roots for explaining the oxidation process.

8. The Expanding Earth

The expanding earth theory is considered to be one of the most controversial theories in geology. What we are taught from school level to the higher level of geology that size and mass of earth is static. But the expanding earth theory got popularity in the 19th century. The theory is sometimes termed as the continental drift theory. According to this theory the size and mass of earth is not fixed. The hypothesis contained the concept of continental drift. With the passage of time the sizes of planets are growing and as a result new mountains could develop. This leads to an increase in distance between the continents over the globe. Initially Charles Darwin proposed the concept of expanding earth laterally; Nicola Tesla also confirmed it by comparing the theory with the process of expansion of a dying star.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

We listed the expanding earth theory in Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories because the theory was never proved 100% accurate. A lot of people questions what causes continental drift? What is the continental drift theory evidence? But it also carried a controversy for decades for not to be proven completely wrong. Finally the theory was denied by the concept of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics confirmed the movement of geographical plates in the lithosphere of earth. It also denied the concept that continents and mountains are the result of the expansion of earth with time.

7. Spontaneous Generation

Spontaneous generation or sometimes referred as the Aristotle’s spontaneous generation is one of most famous classical theory of biology. Probably theory was first stated by Aristotle. The hypothesis of theory states that life either of a plant or animal could come from a non-living body. Means a non-living matter can produce a living organism spontaneously. Aristotle said that life could arise from a non-living matter if it contains Pneuma which means the vital heat. Amon spontaneous generation examples Aristotle considered the examples of sea fish eel. He proposed that eel could be a result of some non-living matter in water. He also proposed the theory of spontaneous generation with the famous example of frog.

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

Aristotle was one of the most famous Greek philosophers of his time and many of his theories were proved true even in the modern science. So it was a big challenge to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation. Francesco Redi an Italian Physician first time disproved the theory of spontaneous generation in 17th century. Redi performed and experiment in which examined the reproductive system of flies in three different jars. One with open-lid. Second with closed and the third with a membrane. Finally he proved by his experiment that maggots can only appear in the jar with no lid.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

Even after Redi’s experiment the theory of spontaneous generation still was in discussion. In 19th century the famous French chemist Louis Pasteur accepted the challenge to resolve the matter. Pasteur took an experiment with long neck twisted flasks. Pasteur put the boiled broth in the sterilized flasks and let the air from inside the flask to be in contact with the outside air. The unique twisted neck flasks in Pasteur’s experiment let the air to enter into the flask but it didn’t allowed the bacteria/microorganisms. Experiment based upon two parts. Firstly, the broth was boiled for sterilization. After cooling it was free of contamination. Secondly, flask was boiled and neck of the flask was broken off. This time broth inside the flask was contaminated. After the successful completion of results Pasteur stated, “Omne vivum Ex Vivo” means Life only comes from life.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

6. Luminiferous Aether

Aether or commonly termed as ether is thought to be an invisible substance found in outer space around the planets. Concept of Aether was first given by Greeks who believed; light could not travel without a medium. The idea of luminiferous Aether remained dominant even up to the end of 19th century. Isaac Newton, the famous physicist who believed light to be a particle unable to deny the theory of Aether. Some classical Physicists like Huygen and Young who proved the wave nature of light; were also in the favor of Aether theory.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

The concept of Liminiferous Aether remained alive for centuries. But as the era of modern physics begun, people started to raise the questions. Does Aether exist? What was the concept of aether in classical physics? With the beginning of modern physics Max Plank’s theory about dual nature of light first time denied the concept of Aether. He discovered the electromagnetic waves. Those need no medium for their propagation. Latterly, Einstein’s concept of Photon and the theory of relativity also supported Plank’s concepts. Finally, it was stated light is electromagnetic in nature and it requires no medium for propagation through space.

5. Caloric Theory

Caloric theory is listed among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as it is one of the most famous theories in chemistry. Caloric theory was stated by Antoine Lavoisier in late 18th century. According to this theory during the process of combustion or heat transfer; there is a material substance called caloric is transferred. It was thought that caloric is transferred from a region of higher caloric to lower one. The region of higher caloric means hotter portion of matter. It was also a concept that caloric is transferred through pores among solids and liquids. Latterly, caloric theory was also superseded by kinetic theory somehow. That’s why many times it’s a question how you see caloric theory vs kinetic theory?

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

As stated earlier we are listing the theories among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories not because these are totally rejected. That is the beauty of science that it always gives space for modifications, corrections and betterments. Many of us questions why caloric theory disproved? Why was the caloric theory of heat rejected? In our opinion the theory is not totally rejected ever. Even it is favored somehow by modern theories of thermodynamics as well. But there are some unsolved factors in the theory. According to Lavoisier caloric is a fluid that is transferred between the matters. But there are no clues so far that-support his idea.

Count Rumford a British Physicist performed an experiment. In which he proved that frictions is produced while boring a hole in a cannon. Heat is produced during the process but it never ran out. That proved heat is not a substance.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

4. Stress Theory of Ulcers

Almost over a century or more people keep thinking that ulcers are the result of stress and poor eating habits. About two or three decades before ulcer was one of the most common diseases in many areas around the globe. Even my mother suffered by this disease for years. Almost everyone at that time was saying that it is the result of stress. It was main reasons thought at that time that stress contributes to ulcers. One was thinking that to stay happy could be the most effective treatment of ulcers.

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

Two Australian researchers Barry Marshall and Robin Warren disproved the stress theory of ulcers. Researchers proved in their research that ulcer is not a result of stress of poor eating habits. Instead it is due to a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori. Marshall and Warren won the 2005 Nobel Prize in medicine for their research on Ulcers. Their research work was a complete disagreement to the stress theory of ulcers. After the proof provided by Marshall and Robin, it was quite easy to put the stress theory of ulcers in the list of Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

3. Discovery of Vulcan

Joseph Le Verrier was a mathematician who first time proposed that there exist a planet between mercury and sun in the solar system. Le Verrier named that planet Vulcan based upon the Roman God. Vulcan planet astrology confirms that the idea of that planet arose in the mind of Le Verrier when he noticed some unusual behaviors of mercury. Mercury was orbiting uncommonly and it was noticed that there is something like some moon or planet that distracts mercury during orbiting. Vulcan planet star trek identified that it was a thought there is the gravity of that moon or planet that affects mercury. It was supposed that the planet is hotter than earth. It has thinner atmosphere and higher gravity. Surface containing mountains, small seas and deserts.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

One may question; why it is listed among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as we have so much information about the planet. So, let me confirm that all these information were hypothetical. There was no logical proof behind. That insisted me to put this theory among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories. The discovery of Vulcan was discussed in the 19th century and it remained under discussion for almost two centuries. But in the beginning of 20th century Einstein’s theory of relativity confirmed the unusual behavior of Mercury. He proved there is nothing like a moon or planet that disturbs the orbiting of mercury. So after the explanation of Einstein it was believed that Planet Vulcan destroyed. But many astronomers keep investigated and even in up to 1970s there was research on Vulcan. Some immature are still working on it with the concept that might there could be a return of Planet Vulcan back to the future.

2. Geocentric Universe

Another famous classical theory from astronomy that were debated over long time. Lot of questions about the theory. Who proposed the geocentric theory? Who developed the geocentric theory? What is geocentric universe? To answer these questions let us start from Greek’s time.

Earlier observer believed that sun always follows them. Wherever they go sun travels behind them. Same was the concept about the sky at night and everything over it. If we took a long-time photoshoot of the sky at night it seems that everything is circling around one center. All the objects on sky orbit around a common point. Plato the famous Greek Philosopher proposed that everything in the universe orbits in circular path with a uniform speed. Laterally, Eudoxus the pupil of Plato stated a theory of universe. According to him all the objects in the universe orbiting a common point and that is earth. So the theory and his model were termed as geocentric theory or geocentric model. Also sometime termed as Ptolemaic Model as after his big supporter the astronomer Ptolemy.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

Geocentric Model of universe dominated for centuries. But in fifteen and sixteen centuries astronomers start facing problems with this model. Eclipse tables were start becoming inaccurate. Sailors got problems while during their journeys. They had to spot out the locations when sailing out of sight from the earth. Astronomers start believing that there is something wrong with this geocentric model of universe. Meanwhile the most famous Nicolas Copernicus revolutionized the concept of geocentric model. Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric Model of Universe. In the 16th century the heliocentric theory become famous and it presented the universe in the same fashion as we do know the universe today. According to geocentric theory Sun is considered to be the center of the solar system and all the planets including earth circle it. So we itemized the geocentric theory among the Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as this theory exist no more in the modern science.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

1. The Blank Slate Theory

The oldest and most controversial theory in philosophy and psychology is the blank slate theory. Theory is also termed as tabula rasa meaning a clean slate. Very first idea about this kind of theory was proposed by Aristotle that remained in discussion over a long time. But formally the theory was promoted by a philosopher John Locke. The blank slate theory also known as John Locke tabula rasa debates that when a person born, he/she has no built in traits. Totally like a blank slate. So what kind of environment is provided the traits in personality will build according it. The blank slate theory argues that education is also a key factor for the development of personality from a blank slate.

10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

The Way it’s Proven Wrong

Even some arguments of the theory are still brain knocking. Like, environment and education definitely affects the personality of a person. But tabula rasa psychology got problems in some natural behaviors. Every person had some natural abilities that are inherited. Modern day science and the knowledge of genetics along with explanation of DNA explain these factors. It is now accepted widely that some traits are shifted from forefathers to the new born and they remain the part of personality. Researchers also experimented and proved the results. They experienced the cases of adopted kids and also the twins grown in different environments still have many traits in common. We listed the blank slate theory in the list of Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as its roots are getting faded day by day.


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