Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

On 13th December 1972 Apollo 17 returned to earth after eight days on the moon. It was the sixth successful manned lunar mission in the space of three years. It would also be the last moon landing. More than four decades later, the Apollo 17 team remained the last humans to set foot on the moon’s surface. But the question is why did we stop going to the moon? There are a lot of conspiracies about the moon landing. Today, team of scienceve decided to bring some useful and brain knocking stuff. That contains the answers to many questions. Like; is moon landing fake? Are there aliens on the moon? Is moon landing hoax? So to get the answers to all these questions about moon landing, stay there.

Are there Aliens on the Moon?

UFO insight writer and editor Ian Stevens believes that NASA has stopped returning to the moon because moon is secretly inhabited by a sophisticated Alien civilization. According to Ian Stevens this alien species has colonized the dark side of the moon. They properly monitor the life on earth.  He believes, NASA has decided the best way to deal with it, is to deny its existence. His claim is favored by former NASA staff also. Some staff members shared top secret information. This included that astronauts from moon landing mission said they discovered three UFOs when they went for the first moon landing. These mysterious crafts then trailed them for the duration of the mission.

Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

Another employee Carl Wolf claimed that while working on the NASA’s lunar orbital project in 1965, he discovered photographic evidence of an alien base on the surface of the moon. Wolf said, the images show a series of mushroom shaped buildings, spherical structures and towers built by aliens, which NASA chose to hide from the public.

Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

Maurice Chatelaine published radio transcripts from several of the Apollo missions. These include the conversation from Apollo 11 mission. The transcript shows that as the Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon to walk, the surrounding craters were hiding some observant alien space ships. When the astronauts informed the mission control, they were instructed to be silent on the issue, so that these words would not get out.

Some Logical Stuff about Moon Landing

If man really walked on the moon in 1960s and 70s; we did not been back by now, therefore we have never been to the moon. Well, No! We have been to the moon and there is a reason why we have not been back. Why we have never been back to the moon since Apollo 17 left in December of 1972? There is a huge answer to the question.

Well, from the first moon landing in 1969 to the last one in 1972 only twelve people have walked on the moon. The astronauts, even many geologists studied its surface. Planted measuring equipment, brought back moon rocks and stuck a flag on the ground. Well, it may not sound like much originally that space program was an enormous deal.

Actually, the buildup to Apollo was against the back drop of highly charged cold war. The most visible marker of which was the space race with the Soviet Union. The decision to go to the moon almost brought down to be a show of strength. The Soviet Union was leading to space because it had heavier rockets and they would be able to launch heavy loads into the orbits; things like Sputnik 2, dog Laika and at the end Yuri Gagarin. This meant Soviet Union had better rockets and better technology at the time and it posted a threat to United States. And so the United States responded in kind. President Kennedy ceased on space as the way to show America’s technological dominance in 1961. He was not the first person to think about to go to the moon. People have been thinking about a moon landing mission years before he pledged America a moon landing by the end of the decade in 1961.

Enthusiasms for the space program almost immediately collapsed with the goal have not been completed.  Many in the US believed that the relatively symbolic mission was unreasonably expensive. NASA’s budget at its peak in 1966 covered nearly 4.41% of the US’s total federal budget (Approximately over $ 40 billion in today’s terms). In fact although there was three more Apollo missions planned but they were scrapped in favor of launching Skylab, NASA’s first space station in 1973.

Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

And the US to follow the benefits of space station and the huge amount of cooperation between countries and trying to establish the international space station by mid 90s effectively illuminated interest in actually having people on the moon. In 1973 the Saturn V rocket was retired which was the only one to be able to produce enough power to make the trip to another celestial body. In mid 2000s the idea of visit to moon was reintroduced with the NASA authorization act of 2005.

This time the plan was just not to stop by. The act established a framework for NASA to develop a sustained human presence on the moon to promote exploration, science, commerce and United States preeminence in space. This resulted in the highly anticipated constellation program and the creation of the new Rocket that would be the revival of the Saturn V. Sadly just three years after the constellation was started, the global economic crisis hit. By 2010 the Obama administration announced that the program was over budget, behind schedule and lacking innovation. And so the constellation was officially defunded along with a large portion of NASA.

For the organization once comprised nearly 4.5% of the federal budget, by 2011 they were only allocated 0.47% (Approximately $ 18 billion). In 2013 NASA’s chief administrator stated that they would not put humans on the moon in his life time, although NASA does expect to put some people into Mars’ orbit by 2030. Although NASA is unwilling to invest another lunar trip but Russia, China, Japan and the European space agency all have aim to send the astronauts to the moon by 2030.


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