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    Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

    On 13th December 1972 Apollo 17 returned to earth after eight days on the moon. It was the sixth successful manned lunar mission in the space of three years. It would also be the last moon landing. More than four decades later, the Apollo 17 team remained the last humans to set foot on the moon’s surface. But the question is why did we stop going to the moon? There are a lot of conspiracies about the moon landing. Today, team of scienceve decided to bring some useful and brain knocking stuff. That contains the answers to many questions. Like; is moon landing fake? Are there aliens on the moon? Is moon landing hoax? So to get the answers to all these questions about moon landing, stay there.

    Are there Aliens on the Moon?

    UFO insight writer and editor Ian Stevens believes that NASA has stopped returning to the moon because moon is secretly inhabited by a sophisticated Alien civilization. According to Ian Stevens this alien species has colonized the dark side of the moon. They properly monitor the life on earth.  He believes, NASA has decided the best way to deal with it, is to deny its existence. His claim is favored by former NASA staff also. Some staff members shared top secret information. This included that astronauts from moon landing mission said they discovered three UFOs when they went for the first moon landing. These mysterious crafts then trailed them for the duration of the mission.

    Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

    Another employee Carl Wolf claimed that while working on the NASA’s lunar orbital project in 1965, he discovered photographic evidence of an alien base on the surface of the moon. Wolf said, the images show a series of mushroom shaped buildings, spherical structures and towers built by aliens, which NASA chose to hide from the public.

    Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

    Maurice Chatelaine published radio transcripts from several of the Apollo missions. These include the conversation from Apollo 11 mission. The transcript shows that as the Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon to walk, the surrounding craters were hiding some observant alien space ships. When the astronauts informed the mission control, they were instructed to be silent on the issue, so that these words would not get out.

    Some Logical Stuff about Moon Landing

    If man really walked on the moon in 1960s and 70s; we did not been back by now, therefore we have never been to the moon. Well, No! We have been to the moon and there is a reason why we have not been back. Why we have never been back to the moon since Apollo 17 left in December of 1972? There is a huge answer to the question.

    Well, from the first moon landing in 1969 to the last one in 1972 only twelve people have walked on the moon. The astronauts, even many geologists studied its surface. Planted measuring equipment, brought back moon rocks and stuck a flag on the ground. Well, it may not sound like much originally that space program was an enormous deal.

    Actually, the buildup to Apollo was against the back drop of highly charged cold war. The most visible marker of which was the space race with the Soviet Union. The decision to go to the moon almost brought down to be a show of strength. The Soviet Union was leading to space because it had heavier rockets and they would be able to launch heavy loads into the orbits; things like Sputnik 2, dog Laika and at the end Yuri Gagarin. This meant Soviet Union had better rockets and better technology at the time and it posted a threat to United States. And so the United States responded in kind. President Kennedy ceased on space as the way to show America’s technological dominance in 1961. He was not the first person to think about to go to the moon. People have been thinking about a moon landing mission years before he pledged America a moon landing by the end of the decade in 1961.

    Enthusiasms for the space program almost immediately collapsed with the goal have not been completed.  Many in the US believed that the relatively symbolic mission was unreasonably expensive. NASA’s budget at its peak in 1966 covered nearly 4.41% of the US’s total federal budget (Approximately over $ 40 billion in today’s terms). In fact although there was three more Apollo missions planned but they were scrapped in favor of launching Skylab, NASA’s first space station in 1973.

    Why NASA Hasn’t Returned to the Moon Since 1972?

    And the US to follow the benefits of space station and the huge amount of cooperation between countries and trying to establish the international space station by mid 90s effectively illuminated interest in actually having people on the moon. In 1973 the Saturn V rocket was retired which was the only one to be able to produce enough power to make the trip to another celestial body. In mid 2000s the idea of visit to moon was reintroduced with the NASA authorization act of 2005.

    This time the plan was just not to stop by. The act established a framework for NASA to develop a sustained human presence on the moon to promote exploration, science, commerce and United States preeminence in space. This resulted in the highly anticipated constellation program and the creation of the new Rocket that would be the revival of the Saturn V. Sadly just three years after the constellation was started, the global economic crisis hit. By 2010 the Obama administration announced that the program was over budget, behind schedule and lacking innovation. And so the constellation was officially defunded along with a large portion of NASA.

    For the organization once comprised nearly 4.5% of the federal budget, by 2011 they were only allocated 0.47% (Approximately $ 18 billion). In 2013 NASA’s chief administrator stated that they would not put humans on the moon in his life time, although NASA does expect to put some people into Mars’ orbit by 2030. Although NASA is unwilling to invest another lunar trip but Russia, China, Japan and the European space agency all have aim to send the astronauts to the moon by 2030.

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    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    Healthiest countries in the world are graded here on the basis of certain variables like, causes of death, life expectancy, health risks based on the use of tobacco, high blood pressure, clean water availability and malnutrition. Team of scienceve prepared a list of 11 healthiest countries round the globe. Healthiest countries in the world are ranked as per the data collected by Bloomberg healthiest country index 2017.

    11 Greece

    Mediterranean countries always remained famous for their traditional Mediterranean diet. That includes plants based foods like, vegetables, fruits, olives and nuts. Most common food of Greece is Olive oil and fish. These foods are ranked in the healthiest diet in the world. Apart from healthy food, Greece is famous for most of the health fitness activities. In the ancient times Greece had a history of gaming and also the Greece are the pioneers who started Olympics. Life expectancy in Greece is 81.59 Years.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    10 Luxembourg

    Luxembourg a small European country situated between France, Germany and Belgium. This healthiest country has a high per capita expense rate on health care. Country has a dominant rural environment with dense Ardennes forest and nature parks in the north. That provides a very healthy lifestyle to the inhabitants. Luxembourg has the lowest mortality rate for both infants and children less than five years. Life expectancy of Luxembourg is 87.87 years. Country is famous for the promotion of physical activities in schools and in public level as well.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    9 Israel

    Israel a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea has a diet rich in unsaturated fat, fish and vegetables. A survey from a Volcani Center stated that more than 80 percent of the inhabitants ate fruits and vegetables daily. Israel is among the countries with lowest cholesterol level in the world. Mostly people like to eat healthy foods even in their 50s and 60s. Life expectancy of Israel is 88.14 years approximately. All the Israeli residents are entitled as to the basic health care as a fundamental right under national insurance law. As per survey in 2014, Israel is having a seventh most efficient healthcare system in the world.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    8 Sweden

    Sweden is famous among the countries where largest numbers of people exercise regularly. Country is expending annually about $5,319 per capita for health. Sweden is 10th highest spending country for health care. Sweden has only a 0.2 percent infant mortality rate in infants. Diets of the Swedish people are low in carbs but higher in right kind of fats. Life expectancy of Sweden is 88.92 years.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    7 Japan

    Japan is one of the most populous healthiest countries in the world at the time. About more than 25% of the country’s population is over 65 years. In Japan the adult’s obesity rate is quite low. Approximately 3.3% only, which could definitely be a reason for ranking Japan a higher in this list. Japanese are also listed as the oldest population in the world. Country has the highest percentage of the people aging over a century. Country is also famous for people eating world’s healthiest foods. Japan’s tuberculosis rate is far below the world’s average rate. Life expectancy of Japan is 89.15 years.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    6 Spain

    The only European country with least number of inhabitants relying on fast food. Breakfast of Spanish people is very simple. That includes coffee and bread only. Traditional foods of Spain are Olives, lean meats, vegetables and red wine. Life expectancy of Spain is 89.19 years. A two hour mid-day power nap is very famous in Spain. It ensures the rest level of inhabitants and also reduces the stress level. Spanish people prefer to eat the healthiest diet on the planet.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    5 Australia

    Australian had really changed their mind about diet in a last few decades. Before that they were addicted to the full English breakfast. Like; eggs, sausages, toasts, bacon, tomato and baked beans etc. Mostly Australians rely on the natural foods found in their continent. It is also listed among the countries with best food available to inhabitants. Australia is expending quite high in sports these days. People in the country love to swim, surf, hike and to play rugby. Life expectancy of Australia is 89.24 years. People of Australia are well known for the minimal stress and happier life.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    4 Singapore

    One of Asia’s healthiest countries is Singapore. Though a very expensive place to live, but country has a world class health care system at very reasonable prices. It is also famous for country with the best breakfast in the world. Singapore has a very diverse list of breakfast. But one common food is noodles. Government has a very fine system of keeping the environment clean and healthy. Country is also known as the best in the world for hygienic and good health conditions. Citizens are well aware of the rules and they know how to keep the place clean. Life expectancy of Singapore is 90.23 years.

      11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    3 Switzerland

    Switzerland, famous for certain traditional cuisine is a best place for a small break. Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Brenner circa 1900 is a popular food for breakfast in Switzerland. Breakfast ingredients include lemon juice, oat flakes, condensed milk, hazelnuts, almonds and grated apples. Hiking is a common hobby in Switzerland as they have mountains just at the door step. Life expectancy of Switzerland is 90.75 years as per Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index 2017. Beautiful mountain range of Switzerland provides a playground for the inhabitants throughout the year. They enjoy mountaineering and hiking in summer and skiing in winter.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    2 Iceland

    Iceland, not a big country by population but has the lowest infants mortality rate. Life expectancy of Ireland is 91.21 years. It is the country with life expectancy over 80 among both men and women. Skyr is a famous food widely eaten for breakfast in Iceland. Skyr is something like Greek Yogurt, containing some healthy fats and proteins. Mostly people in Iceland rely on fresh sea food. Common foods of Iceland contain mood boasting vitamin D and also it lowers the blood pressure.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

    1 Italy

    Surrounded by five seas, Italy is the healthiest country in the world. A baby born in Italy can expect to live more than 90 years. Though more than 40% of the Italian Youngsters are jobless but they live a healthy and relatively peaceful life as compared to Americans and Canadians. Vegetables and olive oil rich foods are the common foods of Italians. One of the necessary components in diet of Italians is Garlic, which has many health benefits. It lowers the heart disease and also reduces the chances of stroke. Life Expectancy of Italy is 93.11 Years, highest among all the countries of the world.

    11 Healthiest Countries in the World

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    Why Do We Sleep?

    Why Do We Sleep

    For many of us the worst moment of every day is an alarming clock. That noise makes our daily return from the mysterious world called the sleep. We spend about one third of our lives while sleeping. Most of us have no idea what happen when we close our eyes for a sleep. Even scientists do not have a clear idea about the sleep. In a past few decades it’s become clear that sleep might be the single most important behavior that humans and other animals experience. Team at scienceve decided to bring some interesting stuff for, why do we sleep.

    Science of Human Sleep

    Neuroscience explains us that human sleep is controlled by two different networks of chemical and electrical signals in the brain. During our awaking hours neuro transmitters release deep breath in our brain and keep our cerebral context alert and prime for consciousness. But rest of the day, neurons breakdown energy for ATP. The byproduct adenosine builds up and activates the sleep control neurons. A special region in the center of the brain axis is a biological clock. Light sensitive cells in our eyes feed signals deep into that brain region training neurons to synch up with earth’s 24 hours cycle of day and night. These circadian rhythms tell us when to feel sleepy or awake. It is also important, how much should we sleep daily.

    Why Do We Sleep

    A very common question mostly arise in minds that why do we sleep at night? As world goes dark this master switch tells our pineal gland to increase the level of Harmons in the blood stream. That results in feeling a fatigue setting and body temperature lowers slightly. And that is the reason for many of us like to fell a sleep with their feet taking out of the covers. All of this neuro-chemistry sends one clear message to our body “when it’s dark, it’s time to go to bed”.

    Health Hazards of not sleeping

    Unfortunately darkness in modern time is increasingly rare. In United States 99% of the people live in areas that meet standards for light pollution. Edison thought that sleep is lazy, unhealthy and inefficient; even it took several hours of the day. But despite of democracy, his work more sleepless view changed our world forever. Illuminating the night became a science of economic progress. Human time is no longer on the mercy of nature’s clock. Artificial light has serious effects on our sleep cycle. When we are exposed to the bright light at night, our brain does not know better than this that sun is shining. This could be very confusing. Depression, heart disease, cancer and diabetes have all been linked to the over exposure of the artificial light. Until just a couple hundred years ago it was common for people to fell asleep right after the sun went down. Then snooze for a while, wake up round mid night. They can read, study and do other stuff. And then go back to sleep until morning.

    Why Do We Sleep

    Modern experiments have suggested that if people are kept away from artificial lights, their bodies will return to this pattern of first and second sleep. Yet most of us insist on sleeping the whole night through. What worse? Our circadian rhythms are so tuned to day and night that if we stay a passed a usual bed time, we do not wake up later. We just tend to sleep less. As a result we are massively sleep deprived.

    Why Do We Sleep

    Most adult’s average at 6.5 hours a night and teen agers just 5 hours on the school nights which is half of what they need.  To fight this chronic exertion we try to stimulate like caffeine to help our brain to ignore the buildup of adenosine and then to fight the stimulance many people rely on alcohol. Which does not really help us with restful sleep. This special cycle worth billions of dollar in a year.

    Why do we need sleep?

    In short we are not really sure but we know it’s the center to life. Animals deprived of sleep for a long enough time and can literally die from exertion. For us about 15% of the genes are linked to circadian rhythms. Still there is no consensus on exactly why our bodies need sleep. We are definitely not active at night but consider we only burn 100 fewer calories while sleeping. It’s not a very good energy saving strategy overall. We definitely do a lot cellular repair, protein synthesis and general biological up keep while we are in dream land but it’s not work that stuff if we are awake too.

    Another theory says that our body use a time of sleep to flush out all the neuro garbage. It considers removing the waste products that build up in our neurons and brain cells. Decision making regions of the brain like the prefrontal cortex, when they do not get any down time before awake might not go to work smartly. If you are totally relaxed and you think your mind is clear, your prefrontal cortex is still pre frontal cortexing. I mean it’s just trying and thinking about nothing. Sleep seems to be the only time for this region to power down and get a break. The greatest benefit of sleep may lie in processing information and consolidating memories from throughout the day. Letting the brain do all re-wiring, it is necessary for thinking better.

    Why Do We Sleep

    Sleep deprived people do worse when learning to new tasks and they are less able to process new information. Whereas a good night slept appear to more creative and come up with solution of the new problems they have not seen before. Perhaps the biggest mystery is how snoozing evolved in the first place. Snoozing animals were always remaining the easy targets for predators. So evolution would have come up with something better. But it has not. There is no way to get around the need for sleep. Some animals have come up with interesting ways of sleeping. Dolphins obviously cannot off without drowning. So they only sleep with one and half of their brain at a time and swimming around with rest of the half of the brain.

    Sleep or similar patterns of rest are seen so universally throughout the animal kingdom that they must have an ancient origin. One clue came from a tiny ocean drowning worm “Platynereis dumerilii”. Every night these worms swum near the surface of the ocean to feed and every night they sink down deep to avoid light and the predators. The worms have special daylight sensing cells on their back just like the ones in our eyes. When it’s dark, those cells trigger the production of melatonin just like in our brains. As the melatonin builds up, these worms begin to sink. Just in the time the Sun day come up. As the melatonin disappeared throughout the day, the hairs begin beading again they swum again back to the surface. And finally we can predict sleep might have evolved seven hundred million years ago.

    Why Do We Sleep

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    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    Here we are listing the top ten greatest inventions that changed the world. Now a days the world as we know is the result of series of inventions which made living more convenient and the world is now a safer and healthy place to live. There are so many awesome inventions out there but we have made a list of greatest inventions of all the time. So stay there and have a look to the greatest inventions that changed the world.

    10 Paper

    One of the Chinese people’s four greatest inventions, Paper was invented and developed in the 2nd century BC by the Han’s Dynasty. The idea eventually traveled to Europe where paper mills began to manufacture the product on the larger scale. Without paper, printing press would never have been invented and our world would be very different. We would not have maps, paper currency or books to disperse information. Its impact is truly endless.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    9 Refrigeration

    The ice was used since pre-history times to prevent food from spoiling and developing bacteria. The concept of Refrigeration was only developed in the mid-1700s. The process was then refined and improved, changing the way the food industry transports and stores food. The amplifications of this food industry are far reaching as it transforms the way we eat and live. This scientific invention had made the life much easier.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    8 The Compass

    Before the compass, sailors depended on the land marks or even the stars to navigate their ships. Initially Chinese began to use the magnetism to find their bearings between 9th and 11th centuries. It quickly spread to the Europe and the rest of the known world. This not only made the certain navigation of the globe easier but also made it safer which kicked off the age of discovery.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    7 Plumbing

    The landscape of major cities would be drastically different without this invention. After all how the high rise of building would exist without modern plumbing. Evolving from holes in the grounds to chamber pots to out-houses and eventually to flush toilets as early as the 31st to 26 centuries BC. The development of plumbing improved living conditions of billions of people across the globe.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    6 The Printing Press

    The Johannes Gutenberg is credited with this invention. He actually perfected and popularized the existing technology. By combing the Chinese principle of movable type with the European press system already in use for wine making. Gutenberg created a machine that printed text on a white scale. Which in turn lowered the price of books and helped to spread the information and knowledge to masses.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    5 Engines

    Engines cause the industry and the population moving. Instead of relying on horses as transportation of people to countryside, people started to develop something new. 1st steam engine was developed in early 18th century which was then improved upon later in the same century. It quickly became the backbone of society and sparks the industrial revolution. Internal combustion alternately replaced steam and assured the 2nd industrial revolution and allowed individuals to affordably travel greater distances.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    4 Communications

    Several inventions change global communication forever. Samuel Morse invented the Electric Telegraph in 1836. Alexander Graham Bell’s Telephone was first to be awarded a patent to transmit voices in 1876. Guglielmo Marconi and Nickola Tesla developed the Radio in late 19th century. Moving Pictures Television first came across in 1925. Konrad Zuse developed the first working computer in the early 40s and Tim Berners Lee proposed the World Wide Web in late 80s and they all made the world a little bit smaller.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    3 Electricity

    Not only did sleep patterns change drastically with the introduction of electricity, so did work habits. From Ben Franklin to Nickola Tesla, to Michael Faraday to Thomas Edison, many inventors made their contributions to this modernization which brought light and power to the masses. However electricity only became a necessity and a standard to life in the mid-20th century. Before that it was enjoyed mainly in the big cities.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    2 Medicines

    Many medicines and vaccinations had changed our lives significantly. An accidental invention by Alexander Fleming Penicillin was an anti-biotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria like Scarlet fever, Pneumonia, skin, ear and throat infections. On the other side of the spectrum, since they were introduced to the public in 1960s. Contraceptives such as the birth control pills helped to level out the global population and launched a revolution in social change.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

    1 The Wheel

    Though it is still unclear which civilization was first to invent this simple machine in the 4th century BC. It is obvious that it has been one of the world’s most viral innovations. The transportation, commerce and the travel industry would not be the same without it. Today wheel could be found in every aspect of our daily life. From water wheels, motors and engines to more fun applications. Shortly we can say wheel had totally changed the scenario of modern world. So it is listed at number one among the 10 greatest inventions of all the time.

    10 Greatest Inventions That Changed The World

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    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    If you are about to go on a plane or just curious to know how to face stressful situations, this article could change your life forever. Air travel is the safest way to travel along the distances. As there are fewer accidents per miles traveled compared to other modes of transportation. The odds of a plane crash are one in 11 million. According to an instructor at Harvard University, travelling in car is ten times more dangerous than a plane. We are about to list some of the necessary techniques you should adopt while in case of a plane crash. Editorial staff from scienceve had prepared a list of 10 ways you can survive a plane crash. It also included a lot of things you should never do on a plane. So if you want to be one of the luckiest to survive a plane crash, stay there till the end.

    10 The Risk

    The last thing you want to do is been too anxious. Whether you planned to travel soon or just can’t stop thinking about how your life is going to end. The best way to be survived is to be focused. And you don’t want negative thoughts to keep you from thinking properly.  Anxiety won’t help anyone in a plane crash. So the first thing to do is to take a deep breath and think about all the reasons you don’t have to worry. If you are still anxious we recommend talking to your physician about how you are feeling in the hope that they will find you a better way to feel safe on board.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    9 The Safest Seats

    One of the first things that you must do if you want to survive a plane crash is to book one of the safest seats. The best place to be is at the rear of the plane. The producers of the show “The Crash” let a plane full of dummies crash into the desert. Those sitting in front of the plane usually reserved for the first class were ripped off. None of them was survived but 78% of the other passengers have had a chance to escape in a plane crash. According to mechanics you have 69% of chances to survive if you are seated at the rear of the plane. 56% if you are seated over the wings. And 49% if you are seated at the front. Moreover you want to sit close to an exit. According to a University of Greenwich study, those who sat more than six rows from an exit were less likely to survive. You should also avoid sitting close to the window. People would be blocking you on your way to escape. However if there is one reason why you shouldn’t book these seats is because that were the anxious people are. With one chance in 11 million to crash, sometimes it’s better to think only about the view or the comfort when you book your seat.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    8 The Preparation

    There are also many things to think about before you fly to have more chances to survive. First you would have to dress comfortably. High heels are not even comfortable during a safe eight hours flight. So imagine whatever you like if you have to survive a plane crash, they are not even allowed on the slide. And if you take them off you could cut your feet from the broken glass. Laces up shoes are the best thing to wear. You also want to make sure to stay warm. It’s better to bring more clothes than you need and keep your jacket on your lap when you are on the plane. The more clothes you wear, the less likely you are to suffer from serious injuries or burns. Wool is also preferable because it is less flammable and does not lose its insulating properties in water. When you are on the plane make sure that you read the safety card carefully and listen to the pre-flight safety speech. Then you can look around your surrounding and know where the closest exit is.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    7 The Seat Belt

    The flight attendant already told you that the seat belt should be worn all the time while the seat belt sign is on. But some internet users really had time to waste and may be they believe that belts are only there to aid the identification of passengers after a plane crash. The person who said that is not your friend because it is absolutely false.  Most accidents involve turbulence when the plane drops fast and the passengers get head on the head. Most of them are even injured or passed away did not wear a seat belt. Actually you should wear your safety belt even when the seat belt sign is off. You never know what is going to happen and there could be air turbulence at any time. It should also be as tight as possible to reduce the gravitational potential forces. Some people might think that their seat belt will slow them down if they try to escape. But you would not be able to know what is happening if you passed out because of your fractured head.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    6 The Position

    If you read your safety card carefully you know that you need to brace in a plane crash. Unfortunately some internet conspiracists try to make people believe that the recommended positions could break your neck. They claim that airlines want you to pass away as quick and painless as possible to reduce the insurance cost. Do not listen to them. Listen to the person who really knows what they are talking about; the flight attendant. You need to get your body as low as possible. Rest you head against the seat in front and place your hands on the back of your head. Hold your legs, keep your knees together. Place your feet flat on the floor. And place the hand luggage under the seat in front of you to act as a cushion. This will keep your legs from breaking as they fly towards the seat structure in front of you. You can also use a pillow to protect your head and remove any object around you that could hit you during the crash.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    5 The Smoke Inhalation

    If you survived the crash, the next thing you worry about is smoke inhalation. Fire and smoke are responsible for most of the passengers who don’t survive a plane crash. It only takes a few breaths of smoke to lose consciousness. And this is the first thing you should avoid. Find a piece of material to cover your nose and mouth. Like the seat back head rest. It is better if it is wet. You also need to stay as low as possible to duck under the level of smoke. You might have heard people telling you to keep low on the floor to avoid the smoke. But it is not a good idea on the plane. You will only get hurt by people trying to escape the plane and things falling on you. So stay on your two feet but put your head down. There is no smoke without fire so pay attention to your surroundings to know which exit is the safest. You will have less than two minutes to safely escape the plane. So you want to make sure that you stay calm and make all the right decisions.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    4 The Water

    One of the most terrifying things that could happen if your plane crashing in the middle of the sea. This is why we are making sure that you are ready to face this challenge. As soon as you know that you are going to be landing on the water, put your life vest on. But don’t inflate it now. If you inflate it on the plane and that if fills with water, you will be trapped as it will be very hard to swim back down instead you would hold your breath and swim out. Only inflate the jacket when you are outside the plane. Once you are out of the plane, the last thing you should do is try to swim. You need to stay put to keep your energy and keep the warm envelope created by your body heat around you. If you had nothing to hold on to you, float on your back with arms and back extended. The only reason why you should swim is to reach the debris that will help you float. Join other people to share body heat or swim away from a threatening environment. It could take hours for the people to rescue you. So ensure that you are prepared for one of the biggest challenges of your life.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    3 The Speed

    You have to escape the plane in less than two minutes to have enough time to survive. That’s the time it takes the plane to burn and this is the main reason why people don’t survive. So it is not the right moment to panic and stop moving. Stay focused and thinks about all the things you could do to get out of there as soon as possible. Listen to the crew and follow their instruction. Flight attendants have been trained to evacuate 600 passengers in 90 seconds and they know how to do it. They are the ones at the moment who have the power to save your life. So you always trust them, not only for your own good but for everyone. However if they are not there to help you, you will have to act quickly. Leave everything behind. You don’t have the time to bring your purse or the cellphone. Any way you need to be able to use your both hands to go through the obstacles that are going to be in your way. The only thing you need to think other than about yourself is your kid. Many people are surprised that they survived a crash and think that the rest of the benchers will be a piece of cake. But those who survived are the ones who know that you always have to fight to stay alive.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    2 The Rescue

    Now that you are out of the plane, don’t think that everything will be easy. The first thing that you want to do is “run away from the plane” at least 500 feet. Fire and explosion can happen any time. However you shouldn’t stay too far because, you want to make sure that people will be able to find you. Rescue usually takes hours but it doesn’t take months. Don’t start building a new home. All you have to think about right now is surviving for a long enough time for people to find you. Pay attention to what is happening around you and try to join other people. Don’t forget to stay calm. This is the best way to focus on what it takes to survive a plane crash. If you are safe, you can try to help others who are in danger as long as it doesn’t require you to take too many risks. If you see two people in life threatening situation, try to save one who has more chances to survive. It’s better to lose one person than to lose both.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

    1 The Plan

    Now that you are a little bit anxious after learning all the things that could happen to you, it is time to use this negative energy to make a plan. Once you know that the plane will crash, your mind will freeze and you wouldn’t be able to think about anything. This is why your plan needs to become your new instinct. Now that you know all the things that you need to do if the plane crashes , think about it once again in your mind and ensure that you will remember step by step that how to survive. Every plane is different. So you also want to look around to know your surroundings and read the safety card once again. You could also think about all the different things that could happen and find a way to solve the problems. This will help you to fearless anxious now that you know how to react no matter what happened. You could also talk to the passengers next to you about all the basic survival tips that you learnt. So you will both have more chances to survive.

    10 Ways You Can Survive a Plane Crash

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    7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional in Different Fields of Science

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Its better if first we figure out what does the title suggests. Multi-talented basically describes the specialized work of people in more than one field of life. It is the obvious fact that everybody wants to be a multi-talented. But in our opinion it better suits to those geniuses and God gifted people who did remarkably well in multiple fields of science. So the editorial staff at scienceve decided to provide you a list of 7 multi-talented scientists who did exceptionally in different science areas.

    7 Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Isaac Newton who latterly designated as Sir Isaac Newton was born in England. Newton is considered as the most influential physicist of the 17th and 18th century. Generally he is famous for his work in physics but Newton is among the most talented persons in the world who worked in more than one fields of science.

    As a Physicist

    In 1671 Newton demonstrated his Revolutionary Reflecting Telescope with the Royal Society and soon after published his note on colors describing his research on Optics. After his visit from Royal Society Newton was encouraged to prove Robert Hooke’s hypothesis on planetary motion. Newton published his famous book Principia in 1687 which introduced his three laws of motion and first described the idea of gravity. Newton’s Principia is generally recognized to be the single most important scientific book ever written.

    As a Mathematician

    Beside physics Newton’s work is greatly acknowledged in mathematics as well. He worked for the development of calculus. Newton might be the first person, who wrote such a comprehensive book Principia which for the first time set forth a working, quantitative, exact mathematical system based upon experimentation and physical observation.

    As a Philosopher and Alchemy

    Newton’s work made him very popular and led him to be elected in Parliament. After spending several years in London Newton suffered a nervous breakdown. As he came out of it his interest in physical science was replaced with philosophy and alchemy. Particularly how they both related to higher power. He studied much about the four elemental properties of nature, earth, air, fire and water and tried to realize how these four things make the substance.

    6 Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Aristotle the founder of the Lyceum, the teacher of the Alexander the great and the father of logic was born on the northern periphery of classical Greece. His father Nicomachus died when Aristotle was a child. At the age of 17 he joined the academy of Plato at Athens and remained there for almost 20 years. His writings cover many subjects, including Physics, Biology, Zoology, Meta-physics, Ethics, Logic, Poetry, Theater, Music, Linguistics and Politics. Aristotle is listed among the multi-talented scientists as he is considered as the first genuine scientist in history.

    As a Physician

    In 335 BC Aristotle founded his own school called the Lycaum. During his time at Lycaum Aristotle studied almost every topic. He was one of the earlier pioneers of the world of Biology. His notes were full of observations on various life forms including embryology of the chick. Aristotle starts to study about many marine animals including the octopus and other invertebrates. Latterly it was proved that his observations were very accurate. He attempted the classification of animals on the basis of shared characteristics including where they lived, in the water, in air or on land and whether they are red blood or not. This is not too different from our distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates. Aristotle’s system of classification continued to be used for over thousand years.

    As a Philosopher

    Although Aristotle was a clearly dedicated scientist but also he is best known for his philosophy. Aristotle’s Philosophy includes the discussion on Rettoric and the importance of logic. Meta-physics including the distinction between matter and form and ethics including a code of conduct for good living.

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    5 Al Biruni (973 – 1052)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Al Biruni, in full pronounced as Abu Al Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni was a famous Muslim mathematician, astronomer, historian, geographer, anthropologist and ethnographist. Al Biruni was born in Khwarezm now in Uzbekistan. He served in the eras of more than six princes. Al biruni is considered as one of the most famous polymath in Muslim history. Al Biruni listed his work in an index in the last decade of his life. But still we are unable to find most of his research work in different fields of science.

    As a Mathematician

    The Taḥdid nihāyāt al-amākin li-taṣḥīḥ masāfāt al-masākin (“Determination of the Coordinates of Places for the Correction of Distances between Cities”) is one of his famous books and regarded as the master piece in mathematical geography. In this book he explained the methods to study the longitudes and latitudes of earth for the first time. In the 11th century he described the method to find the direction of Mecca from the Ghazna. In his book Al Biruni explained how he combined the algebra and geometry in a practical way to solve the epic problem of how to calculate the size of the earth. For the first time Biruni measured the circumference and radius of the earth in early 11th century. Which is approximately equal to the modern day measurements.

    As an Astronomer

    95 of the 146 books known to have written by Al Biruni were diverted to Astronomy and related subjects like astrology and mathematical geography. Al Biruni’s major work on Astrology is primarily an astronomical and mathematical text. In discussing speculations by other Muslim writers on the possible motion of the earth Al Beruni favored the ancestors and latterly came with the idea of rotation of earth.

    4 Marie Curie (1867-1934)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Marie Skłodowska Curie was born in a Warsaw Poland in a family with a strong educational background. Marie curie is exceptionally known for his contributions in two major fields of science: Physics and Chemistry.

    As a Physicist

    Marie curie completed his Ph.D. degree from a French university. She came to Paris for education and met Pierre Curie. Where she shared the science lab with Pierre Curie and latterly they married as well. Marie Curie along with her husband Pierre Curie began study in radiation and the properties of Uranium. Marie and Pierre’s main discoveries were the abilities to isolate the radioactive elements which came from the Uranium based ore called pitchblende. They discovered two new radioactive elements Radium and Polonium. In 1903 Marie and Pierre were awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics along with Professor Henri Becquerel.

    As a Chemist

    After the discovery of Radium to accept it a new element by Chemists she had to isolate it. She started a four years process for the isolation of the element. “It was like to create something out of nothing” said Marie Curie. By July 1902 Marie produced 1/10th of a gram of Radium by ten times of Pitchblende. Marie presented her findings in her doctoral thesis in 1903 and becoming the first women in France to gain a doctoral science degree. In 1911 Marie was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for in recognition of her services to the advancements of Chemistry by the discovery of elements Radium and Polonium. Currently Marie Curie is the only women to won two Nobel Prizes in two different categories.

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    3 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Benjamin Franklin was the tenth among the fifteen kids of a soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Franklin struggled from very early days of his life. But he was a true polymath. Franklin proved himself to be founding fathers of America.  Franklin was a leading author, political theorist, inventor, printer, politician, Freemason, post master, civic activist and diplomat.

    As a Scientist

    As a scientist Franklin is best known for his work in electrical theory. What he did as an experimenter in electricity was to establish the laws by which electricity operates. How to store electricity? How to use it? He snatched lightening from the skies. He believed lightening is the most powerful version of a spark. To prove his theory, he conducted his famous experiment of the kite and the key. Franklin supported his contemporary Leonard Euler for explaining Christian Huygens’s Wave theory of light which was ignored by science community at that time. During his experiments Franklin was almost killed twice.

    As a Politician and Diplomat

    As a politician he still stands as one of America’s most effective statesmen and ambassadors. In the summer of 1776 Franklin was a part of five men committee that would draw up the document declaring American independence. Franklin was short listed to negotiate with French Government to help the American cause of self-independence. He became very popular in French society. Franklin could speak five languages. He taught himself to read French, Italian, Latin and Spanish after already knowing English. He was always looking for ways to self-improve and figured being fluent in other languages would help him in his future.

    2 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Louis Pasteur was a Chemist and a Microbiologist born in eastern France. And is one of the founders of the modern microbiology. Louis Pasteur got an amazing talent and that’s the reason he is listed among the top multi-talented scientists.

    As a Chemist

    Pasteur’s doctoral thesis was on crystallography. Which concerned the arrangement of atoms in solids. And finally it earned him a position as a professor of chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. Louis Pasteur in his thesis work on crystallography analyzed the crystallized tartaric acid. He showed there were two different versions of molecular forms. Pasteur carefully examined the crystals by shining light with them. Pasteur found that synthesized crystals bend light one way while the synthesized bend the other way. And if we mix the crystals with each other in equal amount they will cancel the effect of each other and light will not bend at all.

    As a Microbiologist

    As a microbiologist Pasteur studied the molecular asymmetry. And discovered that microorganisms cause fermentation and disease. His discovery helped to reduce the mortality rate from fever. He was best known for the technique known as Pasteurization. Pasteurization is a process of heating a liquid to a specific temperature for a fixed amount of time and then cooling it. The process helped Pasteur to slow the microbial growth in milk and wine. He also developed the vaccines for rabies and anthrax. Meanwhile Pasteur took on the common misconception of spontaneous generation. That people still thought that life come out of non-living materials.

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    1 Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

    A List of 7 Multi-Talented Scientists Who Were Exceptional

    Leonardo Da Vinci commonly termed as Leonardo might be the most talented Polymath ever in the history. Italian Renaissance’s areas of interest were painting, architecture, science, invention, music, sculpting, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, literature, botany, astronomy, geology, history and many more.

    As a Painter

    Leonardo was among most important painter of Italian Renaissance. Leonardo’s greatest contribution to paintings was his idea of smato which essentially means smoky and is a way of producing atmospheric prospective in painting. The most famous work and the most important work that Leonardo produced in Milan was his Last Supper. During the early fifteen hundred De Vinci also began painting the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is one of the Leonardo’s most important works and it is today world’s most famous painting. I can’t think of any other work that has so consistently fascinated people over time.

    As an Inventor

    The Self-Propelled Cart: was one of the many inventions Leonardo created dealing with locomotion and transportation. Leonardo’s cart was powered by coiled springs and it also featured steering and brake capabilities. In 2006 Italy’s institute of museum of history and science built a working model based on Da Vinci’s design and to the surprise of many, the cart actually worked.

    The Parachute: Da Vinci made a sketch of the invention with this accompanying description. “ If a man had a tent made of linen of which the apertures (openings) have all been stopped up, and it be twelve braccia (about 23 feet) across and twelve in depth, he will be able to throw himself down from any great height without suffering any injury”. Adrian Nicholas in 2002 developed a prototype of Da Vinci’s design and experienced a much smoother ride than the modern Parachute.

    The Flying Machine: One of Da Vinci’s most famous inventions the Flying machine ideally displays his powers of observations and imaginations. It had a wing span that exceeded 33 feet and the frame made of pine covered with raw silk to create a steady membrane. To power the wings the pilot will paddle the crank connected to a pulley system. The machine also had a hand crank to increase the energy upward and a head piece for steering. Unfortunately when the flying machine may have flown once in the air a person can never have created enough power to let the device out of the ground.

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    Solar Eclipse That Made Einstein a Superstar Overnight

    Solar Eclipse That Made Einstein a Superstar Overnight

    In the earlier twentieth century one Solar Eclipse witnessed by thousands of citizens of United States including the president gave a first confirmation of the prediction made by a young Scientist named Albert Einstein. In 1919 the astronomer Arthur Eddington went to the location of Solar Eclipse to test the prediction of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. In 1915 Einstein published his predictions that gravity causes space to curve. And the lights from stars bend following that curves.

    Solar Eclipse That Made Einstein a Superstar Overnight

    So if there is a star close to the sun, its light would be bent by the Sun’s Gravity. The only way to test Einstein’s prediction was during an eclipse. When the sun is darkened and the nearby stars become visible. Eddington knew the accurate position of a star that should have been blocked by the sun. But if the sun’s gravity bend the star’s light as Einstein said it would be seen as if it were at different position altogether. Eddington measured and thus confirming for the first time a prediction of the Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.

    So if there is a star close to the sun, its light would be bent by the Sun’s Gravity. The only way to test Einstein’s prediction was during an eclipse. When the sun is darkened and the nearby stars become visible. Eddington knew the accurate position of a star that should have been blocked by the sun. But if the sun’s gravity bend the star’s light as Einstein said it would be seen as if it were at different position altogether. Eddington measured and thus confirming for the first times a prediction of the Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.

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    But the greatest scientific benefit of a total solar eclipse is the view they gave us of the sun’s corona. This is otherwise invisible to us. Without the occurrence of total solar eclipses it is really questionable today whether we actually even know that the sun had a corona and a high tenuous atmosphere. The Solar Disc is a millions times brighter than the surrounding corona. If we can dark that disc out we can visibly see that corona. For us to be able to observe the corona is important because otherwise we would not know that this layer of the solar atmosphere extends out into the space. And in fact we are embedded here on earth in the solar atmosphere and the extended solar corona.

    See Also: 10 Most Popular Scientists Who Won Nobel Prize in PhysicsSolar Eclipse That Made Einstein a Superstar Overnight

    In 1915 the young German Scientist Albert Einstein published four papers.  Albert Einstein stated his theory of gravity later termed as general theory of relativity. He introduced the field equations. Among which one equation replaced the Newton’s law of gravity. In fact it’s better if we say he modified the Newton’s law of gravity.  At that time Einstein was a famous scientist in Germany but he didn’t get an international fame till then. Arthur Eddington by proving Einstein’s theory of relativity made him a superstar overnight. In 1920 Einstein was the most discussed scientist of the time. In 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his exceptional work on photoelectric effect. Although he is now famous for his theory of relativity but at that time his work on relativity had many questions. Which were later clarified by many experimental explanations.

    Solar Eclipse, Explaining Relativity.

    Solar Eclipse That Made Einstein A Super star.

    Posted by Scienceve on Monday, August 14, 2017

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    Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

    Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

    Bermuda Triangle as one of the most famous unrevealed mystery over the years might have found an explanation finally. The Bermuda triangle location is between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico which stretches over 700,000 km in the North Atlantic Ocean. Bermuda Triangle sometime termed as the Devil’s triangle is approximately responsible for the drowning of more than 1000 people, 20 planes and 50 ships in a century. Mystery of Bermuda triangle carries a lot of stories. That commonly referred as the Bermuda Triangle stories. Here in this article we are trying to uncover the Bermuda triangle truth. We are also trying to clarify many questions like, what happens in the Bermuda triangle. What are the Bermuda triangle theories? What is the history of Bermuda triangle? We also had presented some Bermuda triangle images and Bermuda triangle pictures that will make the understanding simpler.


    Here is the whole explanation how the mystery of Bermuda triangle could be understood and might science had uncovered the truth. NASA’s terra motor satellite was orbiting at 450 miles above the north Atlantic. 150 miles of the coastal Florida over the Bahamas the satellite photographed the coastal clouds when it captured something meteorologists found strange. When they had analyzed the image, they found a spot of series of hexagon shaped clouds.

    Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

    The satellite images were very bizarre with the hexagonal shapes of the clouds formation. Scientists said they don’t particularly see the straight edges of the clouds. Most of the time the clouds were random and their distribution as well. The hexagons range in size from 20 to 55 miles in size across.

    Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

    Clouds like this were intriguing everywhere and location of these clouds also makes them looking more fascinating. Initially all that observed at the western tip of Bermuda Triangle. This notorious area of North Atlantic between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico has the scenes of many reported disappearances of air crafts, ships and people. Now the question is how these hexagonal shaped clouds are connected to the disappearances of ships, planes and people. The answer lies at a distance of 4500 miles away in another image taken over the turbulent North Sea of the coast of the United Kingdom. More hexagons were spreading over 35000 square miles roughly the size of an Ireland. These images were captured by a special satellite that carries radar equipment that conceives through clouds to what happening below. Scientists told with today’s radar we can detect things which could not have seen before.

    A radar image taken at the same time reveals a sea level winds at almost a 100 miles per hour. These winds are enough to generate the power full waves up to 50 feet high. Scientists believed the powerful winds reported by radar in the North Sea also exist below the hexagonal clouds over the Bahamas. Meteorologist Dr. Randey Carveny thinks “that is connected to a terrifying atmospheric phenomenon. These types of the hexagonal shapes over the ocean are a kind of air bombs. They are formed by micro bursts and they are the blasts of air that come down under the bottom of those hexagonal shaped clouds. Finally it hit the ocean and create waves that could be massive when impact with each other”.

    Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

    The blasts from air bombs or the micro bursts when hit the ocean spread out with the speed of up to 175 miles per hour. That is sufficient to tear down the trees on land and to destroy the ships on water. If Dr. Cerveny is right and these air hexagonal clouds are the reason of deadly air bombs then these satellite images could provide an explanation of the disappearance of ships. So it could solve the riddle of Bermuda Triangle. Now satellite analysts are scanning the Bermuda Triangle for further signs of these weird clouds.

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    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still in Syllabus

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    “Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories” let us figure out first what that title suggests. Basically the article is containing a list of famous scientific theories which are not fully compatible with today’s world. This is the beauty of science that it always has space for something that is new, that is impressive, and that is knocking one’s mind. We are listing here some medical theories proven wrong. A few historical theories proven wrong. Some basic scientific concepts that changed over time. Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories also having some theories that turned down a lot of scientific theories and because of which there are number of scientific theories that have not been accepted at first.

    10. Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

    One of the most famous theories in mid-19th century is the Darwin’s theory of evolution and also sometimes written as Darwin’s theory of natural selection. First we need to understand what theory of evolution psychology says. There were questions for a long time about evolutionary theory. Is evolution real? What are evolution facts? What is evolution vs creationism? We tried to figure out the solutions for all these questions in Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories.

    According to Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species” an organism adopts the changes and formulates itself according to the needs of environment and surroundings. That let it to survive for longer periods and to reproduce abruptly. “Survival of the fittest” is a kind of slogan that is often used with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Charles Darwin states how a land mammal can turn into an aquatic whale. For explanation Darwin exampled the North American black bears that were catching the insects by swimming, were turned into a whale over time.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    The idea of Darwin was turned down immediately by the public. Even Darwin had to re-write the last section of his book “On the origin of Species” in which he finally removed the examples of swimming bears. There were scientists who believed that idea of Darwin is not as bad but he has not chosen a best example to explain. They believed if he may consider the example of cow or any other mammal of that kind, it could be better. Darwin also considered humans which could be the most sophisticated form of apes. That’s why sometimes it is also stated as the Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution man.

    Modern scientist pointed out the areas where Darwin went wrong in his theory of evolution. According to Pobiner, Darwin did not have any idea about the knowledge of genetics? Pobiner explained how physical and behavioral changes occur in genes. He explained the whole process of mutation. Also stated the role of DNA at the genetic level. These all were the pin-points that Darwin completely misses in his theory of evolution.

    9. Phlogiston Theory

    Johan Joachim Becher proposed the idea of Phlogiston theory in 1667. Here we are listing some possible reasons stating how Phlogiston theory disproved. Why phlogiston theory proved wrong? Why was the phlogiston theory rejected? According to this theory all the matter that is combustible contains a special material called Phlogiston which releases at the time of combustion. Phlogiston makes the whole burning process possible. Theory also explains the properties of phlogiston as a colorless, odorless and tasteless substance. Phlogiston becomes visible only during the process of combustion.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

     The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    Wrongly Proven Science Stories contains Phlogiston theory as the theory was unable to prove its basis experimentally. There were a series of experiments that resulted differently in different situation. When a material like wood etc. is combusted, it loses weight during the process of burning. But when experiments were performed on certain metals that can catch fire, they gained the weight instead of losing it. These experiments totally proved against the Phlogiston theory as if a material like Phlogiston is released during combustion, the matter should lose the weight instead of gaining it. Latterly oxidation process also held totally against the Phlogiston theory as it had no roots for explaining the oxidation process.

    8. The Expanding Earth

    The expanding earth theory is considered to be one of the most controversial theories in geology. What we are taught from school level to the higher level of geology that size and mass of earth is static. But the expanding earth theory got popularity in the 19th century. The theory is sometimes termed as the continental drift theory. According to this theory the size and mass of earth is not fixed. The hypothesis contained the concept of continental drift. With the passage of time the sizes of planets are growing and as a result new mountains could develop. This leads to an increase in distance between the continents over the globe. Initially Charles Darwin proposed the concept of expanding earth laterally; Nicola Tesla also confirmed it by comparing the theory with the process of expansion of a dying star.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    We listed the expanding earth theory in Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories because the theory was never proved 100% accurate. A lot of people questions what causes continental drift? What is the continental drift theory evidence? But it also carried a controversy for decades for not to be proven completely wrong. Finally the theory was denied by the concept of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics confirmed the movement of geographical plates in the lithosphere of earth. It also denied the concept that continents and mountains are the result of the expansion of earth with time.

    7. Spontaneous Generation

    Spontaneous generation or sometimes referred as the Aristotle’s spontaneous generation is one of most famous classical theory of biology. Probably theory was first stated by Aristotle. The hypothesis of theory states that life either of a plant or animal could come from a non-living body. Means a non-living matter can produce a living organism spontaneously. Aristotle said that life could arise from a non-living matter if it contains Pneuma which means the vital heat. Amon spontaneous generation examples Aristotle considered the examples of sea fish eel. He proposed that eel could be a result of some non-living matter in water. He also proposed the theory of spontaneous generation with the famous example of frog.

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    Aristotle was one of the most famous Greek philosophers of his time and many of his theories were proved true even in the modern science. So it was a big challenge to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation. Francesco Redi an Italian Physician first time disproved the theory of spontaneous generation in 17th century. Redi performed and experiment in which examined the reproductive system of flies in three different jars. One with open-lid. Second with closed and the third with a membrane. Finally he proved by his experiment that maggots can only appear in the jar with no lid.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    Even after Redi’s experiment the theory of spontaneous generation still was in discussion. In 19th century the famous French chemist Louis Pasteur accepted the challenge to resolve the matter. Pasteur took an experiment with long neck twisted flasks. Pasteur put the boiled broth in the sterilized flasks and let the air from inside the flask to be in contact with the outside air. The unique twisted neck flasks in Pasteur’s experiment let the air to enter into the flask but it didn’t allowed the bacteria/microorganisms. Experiment based upon two parts. Firstly, the broth was boiled for sterilization. After cooling it was free of contamination. Secondly, flask was boiled and neck of the flask was broken off. This time broth inside the flask was contaminated. After the successful completion of results Pasteur stated, “Omne vivum Ex Vivo” means Life only comes from life.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    6. Luminiferous Aether

    Aether or commonly termed as ether is thought to be an invisible substance found in outer space around the planets. Concept of Aether was first given by Greeks who believed; light could not travel without a medium. The idea of luminiferous Aether remained dominant even up to the end of 19th century. Isaac Newton, the famous physicist who believed light to be a particle unable to deny the theory of Aether. Some classical Physicists like Huygen and Young who proved the wave nature of light; were also in the favor of Aether theory.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    The concept of Liminiferous Aether remained alive for centuries. But as the era of modern physics begun, people started to raise the questions. Does Aether exist? What was the concept of aether in classical physics? With the beginning of modern physics Max Plank’s theory about dual nature of light first time denied the concept of Aether. He discovered the electromagnetic waves. Those need no medium for their propagation. Latterly, Einstein’s concept of Photon and the theory of relativity also supported Plank’s concepts. Finally, it was stated light is electromagnetic in nature and it requires no medium for propagation through space.

    5. Caloric Theory

    Caloric theory is listed among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as it is one of the most famous theories in chemistry. Caloric theory was stated by Antoine Lavoisier in late 18th century. According to this theory during the process of combustion or heat transfer; there is a material substance called caloric is transferred. It was thought that caloric is transferred from a region of higher caloric to lower one. The region of higher caloric means hotter portion of matter. It was also a concept that caloric is transferred through pores among solids and liquids. Latterly, caloric theory was also superseded by kinetic theory somehow. That’s why many times it’s a question how you see caloric theory vs kinetic theory?

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    As stated earlier we are listing the theories among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories not because these are totally rejected. That is the beauty of science that it always gives space for modifications, corrections and betterments. Many of us questions why caloric theory disproved? Why was the caloric theory of heat rejected? In our opinion the theory is not totally rejected ever. Even it is favored somehow by modern theories of thermodynamics as well. But there are some unsolved factors in the theory. According to Lavoisier caloric is a fluid that is transferred between the matters. But there are no clues so far that-support his idea.

    Count Rumford a British Physicist performed an experiment. In which he proved that frictions is produced while boring a hole in a cannon. Heat is produced during the process but it never ran out. That proved heat is not a substance.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    4. Stress Theory of Ulcers

    Almost over a century or more people keep thinking that ulcers are the result of stress and poor eating habits. About two or three decades before ulcer was one of the most common diseases in many areas around the globe. Even my mother suffered by this disease for years. Almost everyone at that time was saying that it is the result of stress. It was main reasons thought at that time that stress contributes to ulcers. One was thinking that to stay happy could be the most effective treatment of ulcers.

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    Two Australian researchers Barry Marshall and Robin Warren disproved the stress theory of ulcers. Researchers proved in their research that ulcer is not a result of stress of poor eating habits. Instead it is due to a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori. Marshall and Warren won the 2005 Nobel Prize in medicine for their research on Ulcers. Their research work was a complete disagreement to the stress theory of ulcers. After the proof provided by Marshall and Robin, it was quite easy to put the stress theory of ulcers in the list of Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    3. Discovery of Vulcan

    Joseph Le Verrier was a mathematician who first time proposed that there exist a planet between mercury and sun in the solar system. Le Verrier named that planet Vulcan based upon the Roman God. Vulcan planet astrology confirms that the idea of that planet arose in the mind of Le Verrier when he noticed some unusual behaviors of mercury. Mercury was orbiting uncommonly and it was noticed that there is something like some moon or planet that distracts mercury during orbiting. Vulcan planet star trek identified that it was a thought there is the gravity of that moon or planet that affects mercury. It was supposed that the planet is hotter than earth. It has thinner atmosphere and higher gravity. Surface containing mountains, small seas and deserts.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    One may question; why it is listed among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as we have so much information about the planet. So, let me confirm that all these information were hypothetical. There was no logical proof behind. That insisted me to put this theory among Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories. The discovery of Vulcan was discussed in the 19th century and it remained under discussion for almost two centuries. But in the beginning of 20th century Einstein’s theory of relativity confirmed the unusual behavior of Mercury. He proved there is nothing like a moon or planet that disturbs the orbiting of mercury. So after the explanation of Einstein it was believed that Planet Vulcan destroyed. But many astronomers keep investigated and even in up to 1970s there was research on Vulcan. Some immature are still working on it with the concept that might there could be a return of Planet Vulcan back to the future.

    2. Geocentric Universe

    Another famous classical theory from astronomy that were debated over long time. Lot of questions about the theory. Who proposed the geocentric theory? Who developed the geocentric theory? What is geocentric universe? To answer these questions let us start from Greek’s time.

    Earlier observer believed that sun always follows them. Wherever they go sun travels behind them. Same was the concept about the sky at night and everything over it. If we took a long-time photoshoot of the sky at night it seems that everything is circling around one center. All the objects on sky orbit around a common point. Plato the famous Greek Philosopher proposed that everything in the universe orbits in circular path with a uniform speed. Laterally, Eudoxus the pupil of Plato stated a theory of universe. According to him all the objects in the universe orbiting a common point and that is earth. So the theory and his model were termed as geocentric theory or geocentric model. Also sometime termed as Ptolemaic Model as after his big supporter the astronomer Ptolemy.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    Geocentric Model of universe dominated for centuries. But in fifteen and sixteen centuries astronomers start facing problems with this model. Eclipse tables were start becoming inaccurate. Sailors got problems while during their journeys. They had to spot out the locations when sailing out of sight from the earth. Astronomers start believing that there is something wrong with this geocentric model of universe. Meanwhile the most famous Nicolas Copernicus revolutionized the concept of geocentric model. Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric Model of Universe. In the 16th century the heliocentric theory become famous and it presented the universe in the same fashion as we do know the universe today. According to geocentric theory Sun is considered to be the center of the solar system and all the planets including earth circle it. So we itemized the geocentric theory among the Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as this theory exist no more in the modern science.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    1. The Blank Slate Theory

    The oldest and most controversial theory in philosophy and psychology is the blank slate theory. Theory is also termed as tabula rasa meaning a clean slate. Very first idea about this kind of theory was proposed by Aristotle that remained in discussion over a long time. But formally the theory was promoted by a philosopher John Locke. The blank slate theory also known as John Locke tabula rasa debates that when a person born, he/she has no built in traits. Totally like a blank slate. So what kind of environment is provided the traits in personality will build according it. The blank slate theory argues that education is also a key factor for the development of personality from a blank slate.

    10 Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories that are Still Taught in Syllabus

    The Way it’s Proven Wrong

    Even some arguments of the theory are still brain knocking. Like, environment and education definitely affects the personality of a person. But tabula rasa psychology got problems in some natural behaviors. Every person had some natural abilities that are inherited. Modern day science and the knowledge of genetics along with explanation of DNA explain these factors. It is now accepted widely that some traits are shifted from forefathers to the new born and they remain the part of personality. Researchers also experimented and proved the results. They experienced the cases of adopted kids and also the twins grown in different environments still have many traits in common. We listed the blank slate theory in the list of Wrongly Proven Famous Science Theories as its roots are getting faded day by day.

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    Is Time Travel Possible? Some Astonishing Truths!

    Is Time Travel Possible

    From childhood, most of us heard about time machine. We usually used to play games in which there is a concept of time machine. But here we are going to Un-reveal the truth whether there is something like time machine exits in real. Is time travel possible? Is it possible to travel back in time? Can we control the time? Can we stop the time? Can we spend the time as per our will? We are going to summarize the Einstein’s theories of general relativity and special relativity.

    Is Time Travel Possible

    Time we normally spend daily is in fact at the rate of one second per second or you may say it as one hour per hour or a year per year. Most of the people question, is it possible to travel faster than the rate we usually pass the time or slower than that? So here we are trying to answer some of the most frequently asked questions of even a common person who is not a science student at all.

    Time travel to the past

    Is it possible to travel back in time? The answer to this question is simply no at the moment. The famous Modern Physicist, Albert Einstein introduced the concept of space-time in his special theory of relativity. Sometimes a question arises in mind that is it possible that we can see our past. Can we see how we spent the same day last year? Is it possible that we can see our parent’s first meeting? So can we stop them by meeting? And if so were we not in the world today? The answer to all these is simply No! It is impossible. If it could be like that we were not here today and could never be able to see them back in past and stop them by meeting.

    Is Time Travel Possible

    But now let me explain it scientifically. Anything we see in our daily life is because of light. Light from a source (mostly sun) reflects from the object and enters our ayes to make the object visible. So if want to see our past or the spent days we should have to travel faster than the speed of light, so that we can capture that reflected light from different objects in previous days. According to Einstein, there is nothing moving faster than the light. It travels at about 300 million meter per second.  But according to researches and a number of experiments had proved that it is impossible for anybody to travel faster than light. Hence the answer to the question that can we go back to the past is No!

    Can we slow down the time?

    Yes this kind of stuff is possible. If a person is moving with a speed quite high like comparable with the speed of light, time will pass slowly for him than others who were left behind. This process even affects the aging system for astronauts who travel at high speeds and spend time in space. Faster the speed you get slower will be time passing for you. Mostly medical students wish their study could be in a very fast moving spaceship. They spend a few days there that equals to several years on earth. Einstein introduced this concept first time theoretically which was latterly explained mathematically by famous Lorentz transformations. That ends up with the famous results like, time dilation, length contraction and mass variation as well.

    Time travel to the future

    This stuff is not as simple. Also a very commonly asked question and might be the wish of every human at the globe. Let me explain it by a simple experiment. Let there are three persons standing somewhere in a row. Persons “A” throws a ball towards “B” who is standing at the middle. And “C” is standing behind “B” to observe the whole activity. Suppose if “A” throws the ball faster than the speed of light then it will reach before the light that is coming from “A”. Now interesting thing happens. Person “C” will see that “B” is catching the ball before it was thrown by “A”. That kind of thing could relate the future activities that haven’t happened and we see them.

    Is Time Travel Possible

    But this is again associated with the speed by which ball should travel. If it travels faster than light will become visible even before it was thrown. So anybody ever wants to see the things to be happened in future should have to travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible at the moment. And it looks that will remain impossible till the end of the world.

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    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    “To tell a lie” is always considered a bad habit. Almost every one of us apparently tries to get rid of that rubbish but in actual practice it is not as easy. Some of us even justifies that sometimes it is good to tell a lie as to save a relation. But I guess it is never gonna to be a good idea. By hiding the truth we are not saving the relation actually, we are spoiling it indeed. Husband-wife a closest family relation might be often get through this kind of situation. And in case of cheating it finally becomes a marriage of lies. Mostly husbands lie couple of times in a day and makes a logic that they are doing this to avoid the impact with wife. Here we are going to enlist some of the common lies husbands tell their wives. These are small white lies that might not been resulted to spoil their family relation but anyhow lie is lie. And it should not be a part of our habit. People often wonder why husbands cheat actually.

    11.Baby You are Looking Amazing in This Dress

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    From where had you got this dress baby? You are looking so beautiful in it. It is simply awesome. Looks that its made for you only. These are some common compliments husband use to make their wives happy. But sometimes that is gonna to be too much and wives get the actual point behind.

    10. You are not Looking Fat Anymore

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    That situation mostly happen when wife get an idea of dieting and exercise bla bla. All these things are not much easier for hubbies actually. In case of dieting everyone at home will have to follow the diet plan that lady is taking. In case of exercise husband has to take her to park almost twice a day. These all might be an irritating thing for most of the husbands. So they try to get rid of this activity as soon as possible.

    9. Dinner You Made at the Family Gathering was Delicious

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

     How Delicious the dinner was you made last night. Mom really liked it. I am so proud of you. Such situations mostly happen when Hubby is planning a family gathering from months and finally his mistress gets ready to cook food at home. Whatever the taste of dinner would be hubbies appreciate otherwise there will be no chance of next gathering like this.

    8. I Was Not Out With Tom and Eddie Last Night

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    Some of our friends had not a good reputation in family. Wives never like a meetup with them. But friends are friends and it is almost an impossible thing that someone decides for you that who should be your friend. So in a situation like this mostly husbands avoid to tell the truth where they were actually and with whom.

    7. All of Your Friends are Too Good

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    I almost like everyone form your friend list. That one is kind of political statement mostly husbands made. It is impossible that all of her friends are the favorite one. But if one nominates only one or two of the list, there might be another issue. Why you praising her, what is the relation of your with her bla bla. So mostly hubbies avoid this kind of situation by telling a lie.

    6. There Was A 30% Off on That GPS

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    It happens sometimes when husbands purchase something alone. Or they might bring an article of their own interest and wife doesn’t like it. In that case husbands try to justify their purchase by showing that there was some off on the product so I bought it.

    5. I Didn’t Watch That Episode Early

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    When a drama series is on air at T.V. or somewhere else. There is always suspense of the next episode. Everyone tries to watch it as early as possible. So if hubby gets a chance to go through it via internet or some other source he mostly watch it again with wife but never let her know that he had watched earlier.

    4. This Movie Was Simply Awesome

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

     Sometimes husbands stuck in a situation when their wives book a movie ticket. Mostly there is 1800 shift in movie tastes of hubby and wife. All of the time husband might be sleeping in the cinema or spending the time with cell phone. But when they back home, hubby starts praising that what a master piece that movie was.

    3. Your Hair-Cut is a Class

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    A messy situation creates when husbands like the long hairs and wives love the haircut. In that case wives surely had a haircut. Now to avoid the impact and the situation of a dialogue hubbies mostly lie that she had such a nice haircut.

    2. There is Nothing Wrong, All is Okay

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    When hubbies had a pressure of work or might be some issue in the office. They had a stressed and sad face when arrive at home. Their girls ask for the reason and they just try to pretend normal and say there is nothing wrong with and all is okay.

    1. Till Graduation, I Always Top the Class

    11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    This lie is most common and actually it works before marriage. But even after marriage some hubbies try to keep the things in control. They want to be having an upper hand in their domestic life. So there should always be a good impression. Mostly husbands tell this lie to their wives might just to prove them superior.

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    9 Smiling Animals Photos that will Make Your Day

    Smiling Animals Photos

    Usually we say that animals don’t have a language for conversation to humans. But if we spend some time with pets, we can understand in better way. In fact it has benefits for our health as well. Spending time with animals can reduce blood pressure. It enables us to understand someone who is unable to talk to us like humans. So, hold on! And have a look we had gathered some of the rare smiling animal photos that will make you smile.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    This smiling monkey infant looks as he is posing for a shot.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    Puppy smiles as he caught after doing something messy.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    This frog shows that he is about to talk after listening you carefully


    Smiling Animals Photos

    Baby Hyena is just enjoying a kind of massage.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    White bear says now its time to take some rest and smiles before sleep.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    This rat surprisingly got that position and is happy enough to feel that all that are mine.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    Dolphin says, I love swimming.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    Owl is reacting after telling a joke to his nephew might be.


    Smiling Animals Photos

    I am enjoying the life. Come with me if you want to be.

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    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    Science is always there to inspire and fascinate us. It is up to us how we handle it and how we look through it. We are going to show you some amazing science photos that will surely cause a smile on your face.

    10. Fights for Dominance

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    A way to show the power between male giraffes. Two male giraffes are fighting to prove one’s dominance. Sometimes to show more aggression they even lean on one another.

    9. Larval Cusk Eel

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    A very rarely found fish larval cusk eel’s digestive system is quite clearer in this image. Jeff Milisen won 1st prize on this photograph in 2016.

    8. Peacock Spiders

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    One of the six peacock spiders. New species of spiders are discovered in Australia. David Knowles discovered and photographed this specie named Maratus Lobatus.

    7. The Whole Universe

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    Pablo Carlos Buddasi an artist created an amazing logarithmic visual of the entire universe. That includes our solar system at the middle. Surrounded by planets, icy bodies and frozen volatile. Also including cosmic radiations along with big bang plasma.

    6. Rock Bottomed Lake

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    St. Mary’s Lake in Montana looks amazing when blue sky reflects on crystal clear water. The lake is approximately 16 kilometers long.

    5. Amazing Kung Fu

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    Image is describing the human body in action during kung fu practice. Photograph is extracted from a video clip in Hong Kong. Motion capture technique is used to track the body movement.

    You May Also like: 9 Smiling Animals Photos that will make Your Day

    4. Sharks in Peace

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    Picture was taken accidentally. As the photographer James Lea along with his colleagues were tracking the sharks in a marine protected area. Image is describing immense peace and calm when shark was captured just below the surface.

    3. Sandhill Cranes in Action

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    Birds are in the way of their journey during a storm. They are migrating from Serbia towards Mexico.

    2. Humming Bird

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    It is a Cuban humming bird while getting its basic necessities. In the 2016 British Ecological Society Photography competition that photograph ranked No. 01.

    1. Caterpillar in Last Minutes of Life

    10 Amazing Science Photos that will Surely Fascinate You

    A caterpillar is under a wasp attack. Also carrying pupae on its back. That water droplet is in fact a kind of fluid called haemolymph. It is like the blood for caterpillar.

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    11 Common Beliefs Science Proved Wrong

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    What science actually is? It is simply the logical proof of nature. People think of science is the invention of cars, machines, space mission etc. In reality science is not as complicated as one think of it. Most of the time it gives simple logic to almost every activity of the day. Scientific misconceptions are all around from the time. A lot of scientific myths are there and being commonly used. Here we are going to enlist some common beliefs that science proved wrong.

    11. Bats can never see

    Mostly we had a thought that bats don’t have eyes and they can’t see. It is not true. Bats had a pair of eye on the face and even they use them to see the world. Some bats even had the night vision capability as well. However bats use echolocation, sound waves to search their food.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    10. Gum takes years to digest

    Saying that Gum takes seven years to digest is false in fact. Gums passes through our stomach in the same manners as the other foods do. Stomach processes the same behavior as it does with other food items.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    9. Bulls irritate by red color

    As far as concerned with bull fighting, it is a common belief that bulls irritate of red color when a matador wave a red colored flag. The truth actually is, bulls can’t see red. Red looks gray to them. It is the waving and taunting of matador’s that irritate bulls not the red color.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    8. Seasons are due to changing distances between earth and sun

    In many parts of the world, we enjoy four seasons in a calendar year. Seasons are not because of the changing distances between earth and sun. When earth orbits the sun it tilts itself up to 23.40. That tilting of earth is the real cause of changing seasons round the globe.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    7. Humans use 10% of brain in the entire life

    “Albert Einstein used 11% of his brain” a very common misconception. In fact there is no parameter to measure which percentage of our brain is being used. There are only a small amount of neurons that do not keep functional the entire period. But most of the neurons are performing some activity every time.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    You May Also Like: 11 Common Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

    6. Lightening can never strike same place couple of times

    People think if lightening had struck somewhere once it will never happen again. It is not true. Lightening is static electricity. It just needs a shortest path to travel to the ground. Whenever it found, will strike.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    5. Hairs and Nails grow even after death

    Once someone is dead, none of his/her body part can keep growing. Sometimes we feel that nails and hairs of died persons grow long. In fact after death the skin of humans shrinks and because of it we feel grew nails and hairs.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    4. Putting a mobile charge pin in mouth can cause your kid to die

    Live pin of mobile phone charger can never cause someone even a kid to die. A typical mobile phone charger operates at 5V. That can develop a small current in micro amperes. Electric current that can hurt one is approximately 10A or more. In case of mobile phone charger there is no danger if someone put in the mouth while is plugged in.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    3. Humans have only five senses

    We study from school that humans have five senses. But actually we have more than twenty senses. Two very common are thermoception (Sense to feel temperature) and equlibrioception (Sense to keep balance).

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    2. Sunflowers follow the sun

    Sunflowers don’t follow the sun entire day. Sunflowers points towards the east every time. Mostly we judge this behavior in morning when sun is in east and sunflower looks following him.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

    1. Great wall of china can be seen from moon

    What Neil Armstrong saw from moon to the earth? Most of us believe that Great Wall of China looks clear from moon. But it is not like that in fact. Only thing that is visible from moon are the lights on earth.

    11 Common beliefs that science proved wrong

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