Healthiest countries in the world are graded here on the basis of certain variables like, causes of death, life expectancy, health risks based on the use of tobacco, high blood pressure, clean water availability and malnutrition. Team of scienceve prepared a list of 11 healthiest countries round the globe. Healthiest countries in the world are ranked as per the data collected by Bloomberg healthiest country index 2017.
11 Greece
Mediterranean countries always remained famous for their traditional Mediterranean diet. That includes plants based foods like, vegetables, fruits, olives and nuts. Most common food of Greece is Olive oil and fish. These foods are ranked in the healthiest diet in the world. Apart from healthy food, Greece is famous for most of the health fitness activities. In the ancient times Greece had a history of gaming and also the Greece are the pioneers who started Olympics. Life expectancy in Greece is 81.59 Years.
10 Luxembourg
Luxembourg a small European country situated between France, Germany and Belgium. This healthiest country has a high per capita expense rate on health care. Country has a dominant rural environment with dense Ardennes forest and nature parks in the north. That provides a very healthy lifestyle to the inhabitants. Luxembourg has the lowest mortality rate for both infants and children less than five years. Life expectancy of Luxembourg is 87.87 years. Country is famous for the promotion of physical activities in schools and in public level as well.
9 Israel
Israel a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea has a diet rich in unsaturated fat, fish and vegetables. A survey from a Volcani Center stated that more than 80 percent of the inhabitants ate fruits and vegetables daily. Israel is among the countries with lowest cholesterol level in the world. Mostly people like to eat healthy foods even in their 50s and 60s. Life expectancy of Israel is 88.14 years approximately. All the Israeli residents are entitled as to the basic health care as a fundamental right under national insurance law. As per survey in 2014, Israel is having a seventh most efficient healthcare system in the world.
8 Sweden
Sweden is famous among the countries where largest numbers of people exercise regularly. Country is expending annually about $5,319 per capita for health. Sweden is 10th highest spending country for health care. Sweden has only a 0.2 percent infant mortality rate in infants. Diets of the Swedish people are low in carbs but higher in right kind of fats. Life expectancy of Sweden is 88.92 years.
7 Japan
Japan is one of the most populous healthiest countries in the world at the time. About more than 25% of the country’s population is over 65 years. In Japan the adult’s obesity rate is quite low. Approximately 3.3% only, which could definitely be a reason for ranking Japan a higher in this list. Japanese are also listed as the oldest population in the world. Country has the highest percentage of the people aging over a century. Country is also famous for people eating world’s healthiest foods. Japan’s tuberculosis rate is far below the world’s average rate. Life expectancy of Japan is 89.15 years.
6 Spain
The only European country with least number of inhabitants relying on fast food. Breakfast of Spanish people is very simple. That includes coffee and bread only. Traditional foods of Spain are Olives, lean meats, vegetables and red wine. Life expectancy of Spain is 89.19 years. A two hour mid-day power nap is very famous in Spain. It ensures the rest level of inhabitants and also reduces the stress level. Spanish people prefer to eat the healthiest diet on the planet.
5 Australia
Australian had really changed their mind about diet in a last few decades. Before that they were addicted to the full English breakfast. Like; eggs, sausages, toasts, bacon, tomato and baked beans etc. Mostly Australians rely on the natural foods found in their continent. It is also listed among the countries with best food available to inhabitants. Australia is expending quite high in sports these days. People in the country love to swim, surf, hike and to play rugby. Life expectancy of Australia is 89.24 years. People of Australia are well known for the minimal stress and happier life.
4 Singapore
One of Asia’s healthiest countries is Singapore. Though a very expensive place to live, but country has a world class health care system at very reasonable prices. It is also famous for country with the best breakfast in the world. Singapore has a very diverse list of breakfast. But one common food is noodles. Government has a very fine system of keeping the environment clean and healthy. Country is also known as the best in the world for hygienic and good health conditions. Citizens are well aware of the rules and they know how to keep the place clean. Life expectancy of Singapore is 90.23 years.
3 Switzerland
Switzerland, famous for certain traditional cuisine is a best place for a small break. Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Brenner circa 1900 is a popular food for breakfast in Switzerland. Breakfast ingredients include lemon juice, oat flakes, condensed milk, hazelnuts, almonds and grated apples. Hiking is a common hobby in Switzerland as they have mountains just at the door step. Life expectancy of Switzerland is 90.75 years as per Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index 2017. Beautiful mountain range of Switzerland provides a playground for the inhabitants throughout the year. They enjoy mountaineering and hiking in summer and skiing in winter.
2 Iceland
Iceland, not a big country by population but has the lowest infants mortality rate. Life expectancy of Ireland is 91.21 years. It is the country with life expectancy over 80 among both men and women. Skyr is a famous food widely eaten for breakfast in Iceland. Skyr is something like Greek Yogurt, containing some healthy fats and proteins. Mostly people in Iceland rely on fresh sea food. Common foods of Iceland contain mood boasting vitamin D and also it lowers the blood pressure.
1 Italy
Surrounded by five seas, Italy is the healthiest country in the world. A baby born in Italy can expect to live more than 90 years. Though more than 40% of the Italian Youngsters are jobless but they live a healthy and relatively peaceful life as compared to Americans and Canadians. Vegetables and olive oil rich foods are the common foods of Italians. One of the necessary components in diet of Italians is Garlic, which has many health benefits. It lowers the heart disease and also reduces the chances of stroke. Life Expectancy of Italy is 93.11 Years, highest among all the countries of the world.